Friday, January 30, 2015

TecTip #160: Easily Switch Between Open Items

To quickly and easily scroll through all of the open items or tabs on your computer, use keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Tab. Once you land on the item your want to go to, just hit Enter.

To learn about more TecTips, visit our page! #TCG

TecTip #159: Outlook Web Acces Offline Mode with Office 365

Outlook Web Access is supported in Offline Mode if you use Internet Explorer 10, Chrome 18, or Safari 5.1. When using offline mode, the contents of your mailbox are downloaded to your computer to improve performance, and to allow you access to your mailbox if you are not connected to the internet (offline).

To learn about more TecTips, check out #TecTips#Office365 #TCG

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

TecTip #158: Delete Your Google Search History

Sign into your Google account, go to the upper right hand corner to the Gear Icon, and click History. In History, click the small Gear Icon and click Remove Items. After doing that, click the Beginning of Time option which contains your web, images, videos, news, maps, shopping and travel data. Now your entire history is deleted and cannot be tracked.

To learn more TecTips, check out #TecTips #TCG #GoogleSearch

Monday, January 5, 2015

TecTip #157: Create a Form on Google Drive

Google Drive allows you to create a form to collect data, and then automatically compiles the data into a Spreadsheet document. To create a form, click on the "Create" button and then select "Form."

For more TecTips, check out our page! #TecTips #TCG #GoogleDrive